Monday, April 16, 2012

punishments(blog 5)

Slavery is a person who is a legal property of another who is forced to obey the person. slavery was very common in the united states and it continued on for many years.slavery for African Americans began in the 1600s. blacks were not free during this time they were controlled my their masters. Men, women, and even young children were slaves. they were kidnapped and sold to white owners. these slaves were treated very badly and their punishments were even worse. these slaves worked on plantations and they had to do whatever their master instructed.most of these slaves were punished everyday. the masters punishments were very cruel. slaves were given beatings with wips, chains, and with sticks, sometimes their ears were cut off, they were beaten so badly that  their limbs were broken. they even smoked slaves in Virgina the masters would cause a fire to be made of tobacco and smoke them. the masters even branded the slaves.These type of punishments put a lot of fear into the slaves so that the slaves would cooperate with the master and do everything that he instructed. these punishments were awful and their was no law of protection that could protect the slaves from anything or anyone.

1 comment:

  1. Ouch! It's may 3d and you only have one blog post're scaring me.
