Saturday, May 12, 2012

blog 6

  1. Tom Weylin is a white man who is a slave master that lives in the south. Tom Weylin is a slave master who owns a plantation who is full of hate ignorance. Tom Weylin runs a tight household where slaves must obey everything he says or asks of them to do. Dana Franklin is an African American women who was transported to the south into slavery. Dana Franklin happens to be a married  women who is educated with a wise attitude. Since Dana entered the Weylin household things have changed dramatically. Dana herself tries to change the household. Tom Weylin feels that Dana is a threat because of the education that she has instilled in her. Dana comes from an educated family, her mother was a school teacher and Dana was taught that education was important.Tom is intimated by Dana he does not want anyone to be better than he is or smarter than he is threatened by Dana. He does not want Dana teaching anyone how to read or spell. Tom Weylin feels that he is powerful and controls what people do and say. For instance Tom Weylin did not want Dana to teach anyone how to read but she started to teach Nigel to spell and she was punished for that. when Dana speaks she speaks with intelligence she does not talk like all the other slaves she speaks like a "white person" and is she has something to say she will never hold back and tom does not like that. talking back is not allowed in the household. Tom is a very ignorant man he is not very educated, he is a rude heartless person that believes abuse is a way to control someones life. Tom believes Dana is a threat to the household because of how she grew up and because of the intelligence she has over him. he is mad at that the fact that he cannot control Dana's mind because he knows that Dana is not an ignorant black women.

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