Saturday, June 2, 2012

Blog 14 reflection

I have only done a couple blogs on much ado about nothing. The blog  that i am most proud of is blog number 12. It was the most interesting this was a conversation between Benedick and Beatrice about killing Claudio for the simple fact that Claudio betrayed hero and slandered her in front of her family. this scene was the most dramatic of the book because it was the climax of the play and it caught my attention. I like the fact that Beatrice stood up for herself even though women were not allowed to have a voice in any type of situation. Beatrice seems to be a feisty tempered character. what i learned about  writing about drama is that you really have to pay attention to the novel or movie because it does have some key things in there that is important to know, I think discussing the book helped me to understand it more in class. The whole marriage situations during the 1500s with husbands and wives did not really surprise me much. Husbands were always the leader of the households, women had no say in what the husband did or how the women was treated. times have changed and women can speak up and have a voice in every situation that comes up. This Shakespeare play was very interesting however I prefer reading a novels instead.

1 comment:

  1. Can all women speak up or does this dependent on where they were born in the world?
